We see more single parents families these days as compared to earlier times. We have been moving very fast from joint to nuclear and nowadays to single parents families where either father, mother orgrandparents are raising children. The cause of single parent’s can be divorce, seperation , abandonment, death or breakups.

Single parents face various problems like dealing with financial issues, household chores,caring and managing work.But the worst problem is dealing with anxiety, depression and loneliness. In Indian society single parent’s have to face a social stigma of first of all being single parents and top of that looking for a love relationship or dating partner.

The single parents looking forward to dealing with loneliness are looked down on as if he or she is a criminal and looking for some prey.He or she has been judged by everyone, family , friends and even by their own kids.

We need to change that stigma attached to single parent’s, and really have to consider the needs of single parents.They need to be given dew regards in the sense that they have taken positive steps to leave abusive relationships and moved on for the betterment of self , kids and society.They should be given proper space to breath and support from friends and family to fulfill their needs and desires.The kids should also look it from broad perspective as they are considered more psychologically mature then previous generation.


The gen-z are more mature than their age as they have wide exposure to many life situations at a very early age. Single parents must not look over their responsibility for being with their child in need and share a warm bond with their child.Single parents need to be more equipped than two parents and as per research single parents are better at parenting .Single parents can explore new relationships by prioritizing their responsibility.Single parents should talk to their kids regarding new relationship and explain them as per their age. It’s important to have positive parent child relationship before parent go for new relationship.This will support and single parent explore new love. Kids should support and empathize with their parents


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